13 Jun “On the Turning Away”
For years Ars Choralis has used its concert platform to speak for unity and peace among people. In this moment, with our musical voice silenced by a pandemic, we must use the pen and songs from past performances to express our abhorrence for the bigoted practices that cause suffering and death of people of color. “The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so for them.” American author Lois McMaster Bujold’s words are jarringly appropriate and important today.
We in Ars Choralis deplore George Floyd’s brutal murder and share the anguish of the swelling tide of people across this country who cry out for justice and equality. His senseless death has exposed anew the appalling ugliness of racism which has victimized African Americans for centuries.
Let this be the moment of renewed commitment to turn that ugliness toward love and respect for all people.
Ars Choralis
P.O. Box 903
Woodstock, NY 12498