05 Oct From The Podium—Messengers and Dreamers: A Place for All
A recent high school graduate, 18-year-old Zeltzyn Sanchez wants to learn to drive. She also wants to continue her education and looks forward to starting a business some day. But unlike most young people, Zeltzyn was brought to this country by her parents when she was a child and is not eligible to drive or go to college. Her only hope to realize her dream is to sign up for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
Lawyers and immigrant coalitions warned her not to do it, that it would not only put her at risk, but also her family. Still, she borrowed the $495 application fee and other expenses and even missed work to go through the application process. Why? “I had nothing else to do, I had no other option,” she replied.
Multiply Zeltzyn’s story by hundreds of thousands of others who are in the same predicament. It Is for them that Ars Choralis is lifting its voice to present Messengers and Dreamers: A Place for All, a concert to benefit the Ulster Immigrant Defense Network, a coalition of faith communities and advocacy groups whose mission is to provide a safety net for immigrants at risk.
The free concert begins at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 21st at Pointe of Praise Church in Kingston. All donations will go directly to UIDN. Please join us in confirmation of compassion and respect for our friends and neighbors of all races and religions.
With warm regards,